
This portrait made me smile. I was very much like this: an introverted child buried in the pages of a book. After school I would lock myself in my room, switch on the radio, open a book, and read while eating junk food. It seemed like heaven on earth. When without book I wrote furiously in my diaries, made sketches and doodles, or studied song lyrics. Knocks on the door and party invitations were intentionally ignored.  I kept my own water jug, sandwiches and chips. This was the practice until I finished high school.

Photo by Rebecca Reynolds (via Facebook)

Today I may still be naturally shy and introverted, but I try to reach out and be sociable, especially when I’m with my children. I offer my hand and say “Hi!” to people as cheerfully as I can. The girls have learned to do the same. So far, they don’t show signs of having a withdrawn personality. They can be grumpy like Mommy, but not as inward and moody. For that I am grateful. With proper guidance, I hope they grow up to be friendly and with high emotional quotient. Extroverted book nerds? Why not.

Now, for my book and chips!

(OK, not really. No longer a kid.)

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